To export meat product from New Zealand, you need to register as a meat exporter. There are several legislative requirements and definitions to note.

Meat Board Act 2004 - Part 3: Quota markets and registration of exports

Export registrations issued by the Board under the Meat Board Act 2004 are:

  • Open for all markets and all meat products
  • Valid for a period of three years and expire at the close of 30 September in the year 3 years after the year in which the registrations were issued, unless earlier renewed.


The Meat Board Act 2004 defines:             

Meat product as:

  • Meat; or
  • Edible offal taken from slaughtered livestock; or
  • An article or substance intended for human consumption (other than a vell or rennet) that is derived wholly or substantially from slaughtered livestock.

Livestock as:

  • Animals that are cattle, goats, or sheep; and 
  • Includes animals of any other kind that are for the time being declared by the Governor-General by Order in Council to be livestock for the purposes of the Act. (Currently none).

Meat as:

  • The whole or any part of the dressed carcass of any slaughtered livestock.

Meat Board Act 2004 - Part 3: Quota allocation systems

The Act gives the Board the ability to establish and operate quota allocation systems for quota markets. Current quota allocation systems in force are:

- EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Quota

- EU High Quality Beef Quota

- US Beef and Veal Quota

- UK Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Quota

- UK High Quality Beef Quota

- UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Beef Quota

- EU FTA Beef Quota

- EU FTA Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Quota (fresh/chilled)

- EU FTA Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Quota (frozen)

Animal Products Act 1999 - Part 5: Export of Animal Material and Products

This Act requires all exporters of any animal material to be registered with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), before they can export from New Zealand.

Apply to MPI for Exporter Registration of Animal Products approval