The New Zealand Meat Board is a statutory body governed by the Meat Board Act 2004. Its objective is to facilitate capturing the best possible ongoing returns from quota markets for New Zealand and its meat industry. It is also responsible for managing the Board’s reserves and other assets in the interests of livestock farmers.

Statutory functions

a) To establish and operate quota management systems.

b) To collect, process and maintain information as required to support the Board’s function under paragraph (a).

c) To manage, in the interests of livestock farmers, the Board’s reserves and other assets, including:

- Providing funding to assist in the meat industry’s response to any major industry crisis; and

- Maintaining a prudent level of net assets to avoid jeopardising quota markets and the integrity of quota management systems; and

- Providing funding for industry good activities.

d) To account to livestock farmers regarding the Board’s activities.



Meat Board Act 2004