New Zealand origin sheepmeat and goatmeat products can be exported to the EU at the following quantities, subject to the specified tariffs. 

Product type    Sheepmeat and goatmeat (CN Code 0204)
Annual quota amount 125,769 tonnes (carcass weight equivalent)
Quota Year 1 January – 31 December
In-quota tariff rate Zero duty
Out-of-quota tariff rate* 12.8% + 90.2-311.8

* Rates are quoted in Euro per 100kg/net

The range of rates reflects different rates for different products


 Some quick definitions:

“Qualifying Product” is sheepmeat and goatmeat from livestock slaughtered in EU Listed Premises for ovine/caprine meat, as appropriate. It is measured as dressed carcass hot weight.

“At Time of Slaughter” is a figurative term, referring to when the semi-dressed carcase crosses the scales and ownership changes from the farmer to the buyer/quota holder/qualifying company.

“Production Seasons” are one year commencing the nearest Sunday to 1 October, and ending the nearest Saturday to 30 September in the following calendar year.

"New Entrant" is a company that is an exporter registered under the Meat Board Act 2004, and during the three years prior to the applicable New Entry Period has not been allocated and used General Quota Allowance.

Who is quota allocated to?

There are two categories of recipients: Qualifying Companies and New Entrants.

Qualifying Companies hold export registration and have been the Owners of Qualifying Product at Time of Slaughter, over any of the three preceding Production Seasons.

New Entrants are companies that:

  • holds an export registration under the Meat Board Act 2004.
  • are a New Entrant as defined in Section 2 of the Quota Manual.

How is quota allocated?

Ninety-eight per cent of the quota is allocated as General Quota Allowance to Qualifying Companies. It is allocated to companies according to their share of the sum of all companies’ Production Histories for the preceding three Production Seasons.

The remaining 2% is reserved for allocation on a first come first served, certificate by certificate basis, up to a maximum of 30% of the New Entrant Allocation, per New Entrant.

Acquiring and selling quota

A holder of General Quota Allowance holders may transfer all or part of their quota allowance for the relevant Quota Year to a holder of an export registration.

A transfer form must be completed and signed by authorised signatories of both the transferor and the transferee and submitted to the Board.

The transfer takes effect upon Board confirmation.

Download Transfer of EU Sheepmeat & Goatmeat Quota Allowance form below.

Acquiring and selling Production History

A holder of Production History may transfer all or part of its Production History for a given Production Season to a Qualifying Company or a New Entrant.

The transfer will be valid for any future Quota Years in terms of the General Quota Allowance Allocation formula after the Production History transfer has been approved by the Board.

Complete and sign the Transfer form and submit to the Board. The transfer takes effect upon Board confirmation.

Download Transfer of EU Sheepmeat & Goatmeat Production History form 

Quota allowance application closing dates

General Quota Allowance applications close 15 October
New Entrant Anytime during the quota year

Certificates of Origin

Certificates of Origin (COO) are required for product to be imported within the terms of the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).

The exporter must submit completed COOs – showing the details of the consignment – to the Board for authorisation. The exporter is responsible for forwarding the authorised certificate on to the importer.


Current: 18 October 2024